Regular Cruise collaborator Christopher McQuarrie handles the writing and directing duties this time around, with a production team that once again delivers an assured, frequently breathlessly kinetic entry which bounds from set-piece to set-piece with fluid motion and blockbuster spectacle, whilst paying keen tribute to previous entries, familiar faces and series (film and TV) trademarks. It also establishes the franchise’s strongest female presence in Rebecca Ferguson’s kick-ass, mysterious, and undeniably gorgeous double – or maybe even triple – agent.
Fans will already know that The Syndicate is taken straight from the TV series, and that they are the Mission: Impossible equivalent to Bond’s SPECTRE (only, as it turns out, infinitely more threatening than the latter), and the film establishes the franchise’s strongest opposing force, complete with hordes of disposable gun-wielding assassins (most spectacularly on a fleet of motorcycles) and a viciously ruthless villain at the head of the table.

Right from the classic tune over the production credits to that jaw-dropping, aerial pre-credits sequence to the magical signature credits themselves we get the instant feeling that this entry, perhaps more so than any other before it, is intent upon paying tribute to not only the best moments of the previous instalments but also of the classic TV series, with the best credits sequence in the series thus far, and the toughest villains too.